Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I'm on the wave

So Gita invited me to try Google Wave and I'm still trying to figure it out. It's pretty crazy, you can see typing in real time, and you can edit your chat and reply, so it ends up to be like this ridiculously long chain of chat, which is apparently called a wave. And then there are things called pings, but I still haven't figured that out. I think a ping can only be between two users, while a wave can be between multiple users. I don't know, and I'm not about to find out.
Tonight I have to complete my portion of a group presentation for ISE232, Manufacturing Processes. Our design team created a DeskTopper, which is a portable, durable, and flexible table device meant for home and recreational use. My job was to create the computer models using IronCAD software, and I did a pretty good job (in my opinion).

Besides wrapping up this design project, I'm also going to work on ISE220, Probability Concepts in Engineering, homework. It's hard to believe that there are only three instructional days left in the semester. And that I'm almost halfway done with my undergraduate degree.
My request for exceptional funding was approved by the Center for Academic Support, so I'm going to be taking 22 units next semester. Although it sounds daunting right now, I hope it won't be too difficult. I figured to do it now instead of later, before my engineering classes will start to get serious.
Now playing on my iPod is "Kane'ohe" by the Brothers Cazimero. It's a cheerful song, talking about the rains that regularly fall on that side of the island. I miss the rain. It's not humid at all here and my skin is cracking. Gross.

1 comment:

  1. Going to start up Facebook for winter break to keep in touch with roommates/friends so stay tuned. Sounds like you're hard at work.

    I've been listening to Hapa a lot, I guess. I like their song "Lei Pikake.
