Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 6: Confusion and recuperation

Well, today's definitely been an interesting day.

I thought I was going to sleep around 1-something this morning, since I'm still on Hawaii time. WRONG. I ended up going to sleep around 7:15 am. Ridiculous, right?? Now why on earth would I EVER stay up so late?

As you could guess, it was all thanks to confusion. Some definitions of confusion, thanks to, include the following:

-the act of confusing

-the state of being confused.

-disorder; upheaval; tumult; chaos.

-lack of clearness or distinctness.

-perplexity; bewilderment.

The confusion I was faced with in the wee hours of the morning was due to the fourth definition...a lack of clearness or distinctness. More specifically (or as specific I'd prefer to be in a blog post), this confusion stemmed from a lack of clearness embedded in my interactions with another person. And this person was at my apartment, for 5 FREAKING HOURS, during which I was tired and somewhat dehydrated (which is beside the point) and just straight up confused. Part of this confusion comes from a string of online chats we've had within the past month, and the other part just materialized over the past few days in conjunction to the fact that we've known each other for several years. I'd like to think that matters are settled, but people are so irritating sometimes that I know this madness and confusion won't be over for a while.

Anyway, I finally got rid of the previously mentioned person and was able to sleep until 11:00 am, at which point I dragged myself out of bed, drank at least half a gallon of water, and miraculously biked over to University Gateway to work on Operations Research homework with Michael.

It is tradition that I always have a headache while doing ISE 330 homework, and although this headache wasn't from the usual reasons, I had a huge one. After half a taquito, even more water, and 4 hours, we were able to finish 6 of our 10 problems in the set. Talk about exhaustion!

The rest of the evening was spent catching up with Gita and Amanda (and going over our Black Friday purchases) before heading over to campus for a friend's birthday.

Did I mention this friend is the same person that kept me from a good night of sleep?! Nevertheless, friends are friends, and although it was slightly awkward, I pulled through and made an early escape back to the confines of my apartment. I finished a scholarship application, took a shower, read Lauren's college essays, and wrote a blog post! Life is obviously good, but it might have been a little better if I had chosen to save the blog post for later. Its good that I didn't, since I'm sure I'll find this rant of mine hilarious when I read this in the future. But all I want to do right now is sleep.

Too bad I'm going to have to wake up in 7 hours anyway. At least 7 hours is better than 4 hours!

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