Wednesday, June 12, 2013

White noise

Supposed to be cleaning my room, but instead I find myself on Blogger. How do people maintain their blogs so well? I haven't posted since January, when I had my grand idea of creating a travel blog...which I still want to do and still plan on doing. I just had to live a little first.

Since I last posted, I finished grad school, did a bunch of traveling, and figured out what I'm going to do with my life for now. Its hard to believe that I'm here now, settling down again in Honolulu, but that's where life has taken me. I'm not exactly sure what to expect from my new job (which I start in exactly 12 days) or from law school (which isn't on my radar for another two months). But things should be exciting.

Back to that travel blog...I think it will be easier to create a whole new blog dedicated to my travel escapades and pointers. I was looking into the whole label thing previously, but creating a new page is the easy way out. I'm not sure where to begin though...America? Europe? Asia? Too many choices. One thing at a time. Gotta create the blog first!